The Curious Case of Delores Haze

This is a title sequence adaptation of the novel Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov. The approach for this project centred around the negative effect the existing adaptations have had on the understanding of the novel and especially young women. This was an opportunity to retell the story responsibly and much truer to the events as they are written. Lolita has been misconstrued as a love story when it’s a cautionary tale with an unreliable author, I switched perspectives and told the story from “Lolita’s” (Delores Haze) perspective.

In doing this I created a very juvenile feminine space with soft pinks, collecting and curating objects to reflect her age. I gave Humbert, the predator, of the narrative a juxtaposing black, stark and threatening presence as well as subtly recapping the narrative and major events.

The Curious Case of Delores Haze, dir. Seraphina Grace, 2021.


Wilhelm Wines


Animation Projects